Once again, Stafford Township EMS is proud to announce that four of our newest members have successfully completed EMT school. Pictured in white from left to right, members Jordan Burton, Kate Weber, Sean McArdle and Julia Thompson (not pictured) joined our organization to make a difference. These fine examples of Squad 38 have ridden countless crews and have worked very hard to get to this day and we could not be any more proud of them! From their first day to knowing nothing, to progressing and becoming a part of some of the finest members we have. They attended a rigorous program of classroom instruction, practical skills, evaluations, and homework assignments. They completed the required 10 hours of clinical skills in a hospital emergency room and successfully completed this course which now enables them to take the National Registry Certifying Examination. They will continue to dedicate their time to those in need and help themselves continue to become excellent patient caregivers our organization has come to expect. It brings us immense pleasure to congratulate these four on a job well done.